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Leaders of Korea, China to meet at next month′s APEC summit 박근혜 대통령 내달 시진핑 베이징
Korea, China to hold summit talks next month 박근혜 대통령 오늘 탕자쉬안 면담+내달 시진핑과 회담
Korea, China to hold summit talks next month 박근혜 대통령 오늘 탕자쉬안 면담+내달 시진핑과 회담
Korea, China to hold summit talks next month 박근혜 대통령 오늘 탕자쉬안 면담+내달 시진핑과 회담
South Korea and China to hold bilateral summit at next month′s APEC meeting 朴대
South Korea and China to hold bilateral summit at next month′s APEC meeting 朴대
Pres. Park set to hold summit with Xi Jinping in APEC in Nov. / YTN
South Korea, China to hold bilateral summit on sidelines of APEC in Vietnam next week
President Park to participate in APEC, G20 박대통령 APEC, G20 참석
APEC events begin with two-day Senior Officials Meeting on Wednesday in Beijing
U.S.-China summit set for next Wed. on sidelines of APEC 미.중 정상회담 12일로 예정
Korea, China anticipated to conclude FTA negotiations 정부 고위 당국자, "한중 FTA